Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little - 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 16th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89169

How to Make Sure You Drive Safely

Every year tens of thousands of Americans lose their lives on the roads and around two million are seriously injured, so you need to drive safely. Almost all accidents are caused by mistakes by drivers but there are several things you can do to ensure that you and your passengers do not become a statistic.

First do nothing other than concentrate on driving. Do not use a cell phone, eat, apply makeup, comb your hair, use other electronic devices or turn round to talk to people in the rear seat. Distraction while driving leads to thousands of unnecessary deaths on the road each year.

Drive according to the conditions, so if you’re driving through fog, heavy rain, a snow storm or on icy roads, be extra cautious and cut your speed. If driving becomes increasingly difficult then stop driving until conditions improve.

If you have been injured in an accident in Summerlin or anywhere in Nevada, and are concerned that there may be no source of compensation for you, please call the accident attorneys at Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little at (702) 699-7500 or contact us online today. Your initial consultation if free of charge, and if we take your case we will represent you on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay for our services if we collect money for you.

Driving in Poor Visibility

Crashes in poor visibility are very hard to prevent whether by police enforcement or roadway design. The only real way to prevent them is to close roads and prevent people from driving. Some drivers do drive sensibly due to the limited visibility conditions but not all do. While the best advice is not to drive in fog and to leave the road and wait until it clears, if you have to drive then you should follow these hints for safer driving.

• Slow down as most fog related accidents are because a driver was going too fast and could not stop in time and hits another vehicle.
• Make sure you can see by using your fog lights and low beam headlights and use your defroster and windscreen wipers to improve your vision.
• Make sure you can be seen by ensuring your rear lights are in good working order, and if you have to stop, leave the roadway completely and turn on your flashers.
• Drive slowly and ensure you maintain a slow speed and do not speed up.
• Signal early giving other drivers plenty of time to see what you intend to do.

If you have been injured in an accident in Summerlin or anywhere in Nevada, and are concerned that there may be no source of compensation for you, please call the accident attorneys at Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little at (702) 699-7500 or contact us online today. Your initial consultation if free of charge, and if we take your case we will represent you on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay for our services if we collect money for you.

Traffic Cameras Not Used for Law Enforcement

Residents on the east side of the valley are wondering if cameras might lessen the number of car crashes at the corner of Viking and Sandhill roads.

The intersection has a traffic signal but according to neighbors, drivers always try and beat the light.

However, according to the Nevada Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation Commission traffic cameras are only used to observe traffic patterns and there are currently 450 cameras around the valley operated by the Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation program, known as FAST.

The cameras do not record video and nor are they used for law enforcement purposes as Nevada law prohibits the use of speed or red light cameras except under a very few circumstances.

The media states that the devices are considered controversial and efforts to get them approved in Nevada have not gained much support in the state legislature.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Summerlin or anywhere in Nevada, and are concerned that there may be no source of compensation for you, please call the hit-and-run accident attorneys at Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little at (702) 699-7500 or contact us online today. You initial consultation if free of charge, and if we take your case we will represent you on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay for our services if we collect money for you.

Accident Avoidance and Safe Driving Tips

When people first start out as drivers on the road at a young age, there is a very common tendency to be nervous about getting behind the wheel. As drivers gain more experience, however, the task of driving becomes increasingly second nature until eventually it is easy to take traffic, and traffic safety, for granted. But adopting good driving habits is about avoiding accidents in order to keep yourself and others safe on the road.

  • Avoid drowsy driving. Driving when you haven’t had sufficient rest can be as potentially dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Cell phones are one of the most common driving distractions and have been the cause of countless accidents. If you have to talk on your cell phone, use a hands-free device or the speaker phone feature on your phone and NEVER send or read text messages or emails from your cell phone while driving.
  • Make seat belts a rule for everyone in your vehicle. Seat belts are proven to save lives and substantially reduce the risk of serious injury in the event of a car crash. Make sure that everyone in your vehicle wears their seat belt when you are behind the wheel.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Summerlin or anywhere in Nevada, and are concerned that there may be no source of compensation for you, please call the hit-and-run accident attorneys at Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little at (702) 699-7500 or contact us online today. You initial consultation if free of charge, and if we take your case we will represent you on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay for our services if we collect money for you.

Rains Cause More than a Million in Damage

According to officers, torrential rains that drenched much of the U.S. Southwest earlier this week caused more than $1 million worth of damage to roadways in Nevada county.

Clark County spokeswoman, Stacey Welling, said that nearly 140 homes in Clark County suffered damage and preliminary reports from the county’s public works department put the expense of cleaning and repairing field roadways at around $1.1 million, and they anticipate recovery attempts to take 30 days to complete.

Welling stated that over half of the dirt roads in Sandy Valley, some 50 miles southwest of Las Vegas, would require $427,000 worth of work alone,

She said that the Division of Emergency Services was still working to provide a complete tally of the storm’s harm.

The rains prompted flash-flood warnings for areas of Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah.

Trooper Chelsea Webster of the Nevada Highway Patrol stated emergency workers rescued at least 15 marooned drivers from their cars and police responded to almost 70 accidents in the Las Vegas field tracking the storm.